Here’s Shitake SW 9173 by Sherwin-Williams in context of its Hue Family neighborhood, 1 Y (Yellow) on The Color Strategist Color Wheel. The pink arrows point to where Shitake SW 9173 fits in among the other colors according to its Value 7.68 rounded to 7.62 and Chroma of 1.38 rounded to 1.25.
Does the Sherman Williams color 9173 Shitake have any pink or green undertones to it and if not what color undertones does it have?
Thank you
Lori Sawaya
Paint colors don’t actually have “undertones”. Undertones are just someone’s subjective opinion about what they think a color looks like under whatever random light source they happen to be viewing it under.
Shitake is a muted color and it belongs to the Yellow hue family over near the Yellow-Red hue family. Because it’s so close over next to the Yellow-Red hue family, it’s possible in certain qualities of light that you could see moments of peachiness.
In order for Shitake to look greenish, it would take the perfect combination of lighting and context to cause that kind of shift. Not saying it’s not possible but it’s unlikely.
Will SW shitake 9173 walls go with SW 7008 Alabaster cabinets and trim?
Lori Sawaya
Yes, definitely. Hue Family relationship is good and there’s a big difference in Chroma. You can check out where Alabaster falls on The Color Strategist Color Wheel here:
JoAnn Zdrazil
Does shitake go with cherrywood cabints and brown leather furniture/ What color would compliment that as an accent.
Amy Naccarati-Cholo
I have all cream trim, doors, and plantations shutters (Dunn Edwards Cottage White). Will Shitake work with it? Trying to find something that “brightens” the cream, instead of yellowing. I had SW Nomadic Desert, which did the trick, but it’s now too orangy for me.
I just painted Shitake walls in rooms that have SW antique white trim. I thought that the trim might be too yellow to go with Shitake but it looks great. I painted the ceiling SW Creamy, and all the colors look great together and I am picky. And to answer Amy’s question I think it does “brighten” the trim and ceiling paint and did not yellow it at all. Every room has different lighting of course but in my experience its a great neutral color.
Lori Sawaya
Hi Amy,
Technically, factually there is enough difference in Chroma between Cottage White and Shitake for them to work together. Just make sure you like the look.
I have a red couch and currently have Dorian Gray walls. I am thinking of changing to Shittake. Do you think that would work? The room is well lit. Thank you .
Lori Sawaya
Sure, it could work. The color relationship would work because of how close Shitake is to the yellow-red hue family.
Michele Stoltenberg
Would Shittake on my kitchen wall pair well with orange-y oak cabinets?
Lori Sawaya
Hard to say without some color measurements, pictures and more info. I’m not taking new clients right now but here’s a list of Color Strategist that I’ve certified in my color training program. Hope this helps:
Does the Sherman Williams color 9173 Shitake have any pink or green undertones to it and if not what color undertones does it have?
Thank you
Paint colors don’t actually have “undertones”. Undertones are just someone’s subjective opinion about what they think a color looks like under whatever random light source they happen to be viewing it under.
Shitake is a muted color and it belongs to the Yellow hue family over near the Yellow-Red hue family. Because it’s so close over next to the Yellow-Red hue family, it’s possible in certain qualities of light that you could see moments of peachiness.
In order for Shitake to look greenish, it would take the perfect combination of lighting and context to cause that kind of shift. Not saying it’s not possible but it’s unlikely.
Will SW shitake 9173 walls go with SW 7008 Alabaster cabinets and trim?
Yes, definitely. Hue Family relationship is good and there’s a big difference in Chroma. You can check out where Alabaster falls on The Color Strategist Color Wheel here:
Does shitake go with cherrywood cabints and brown leather furniture/ What color would compliment that as an accent.
I have all cream trim, doors, and plantations shutters (Dunn Edwards Cottage White). Will Shitake work with it? Trying to find something that “brightens” the cream, instead of yellowing. I had SW Nomadic Desert, which did the trick, but it’s now too orangy for me.
I just painted Shitake walls in rooms that have SW antique white trim. I thought that the trim might be too yellow to go with Shitake but it looks great. I painted the ceiling SW Creamy, and all the colors look great together and I am picky. And to answer Amy’s question I think it does “brighten” the trim and ceiling paint and did not yellow it at all. Every room has different lighting of course but in my experience its a great neutral color.
Hi Amy,
Technically, factually there is enough difference in Chroma between Cottage White and Shitake for them to work together. Just make sure you like the look.
I have a red couch and currently have Dorian Gray walls. I am thinking of changing to Shittake. Do you think that would work? The room is well lit. Thank you .
Sure, it could work. The color relationship would work because of how close Shitake is to the yellow-red hue family.
Would Shittake on my kitchen wall pair well with orange-y oak cabinets?
Hard to say without some color measurements, pictures and more info. I’m not taking new clients right now but here’s a list of Color Strategist that I’ve certified in my color training program. Hope this helps: